
On December 22, 2021, Anphabe organized the Vietnam Best Places to Work Conference 2021 via an online platform with the presence of more than 12 prestigious speakers and leaders and Human Resources directors from companies. Top. With the theme The Big Shift, the conference created an open space for leaders to discuss and learn human resource management trends in the new period.

2021 is a very challenging year for the Vietnamese business community. It's still the story 'not new - not old' from 2020 with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic. This year the social distancing period is longer, more activities are stagnant, in addition to business challenges, Human resource challenges also pose many problems: Remote working affects performance, many changes and cuts cause turmoil in workers' psychology, leading to low engagement and high turnover rates. continent (although the unemployment rate is also very high).

The Vietnam Best Places to Work 2021 online conference updates important human resources trends and in-depth analysis in the Vietnamese market, drawing from the Vietnam Best Places to Work Survey 2021, conducted from May 2021. 4 to September 2021.

Bao Viet Securities – Top 4 Financial Services industry, Top 50 Vietnamese enterprises with attractive employer brands, and Top 100 Best Places to Work in Vietnam

Within the framework of the Conference, the Organizing Committee announced the results of the Top 100 Best Workplaces in Vietnam survey and honored the award-winning businesses. The list of the best places to work in Vietnam in 2021 is evaluated based on the criteria of more than 20 occupations and more than 65,000 responses from experienced workers. Bao Viet Securities (BVSC) has been honored in the Top 100 Best Places to Work in Vietnam, while also maintaining the title of Top 50 Vietnamese Enterprises with attractive employer brands in 2021.


Developed with the goal of making human resources a top priority, connecting and motivating each individual to create great value for the organization

General Director of BVSC, Mr. Nhu Dinh Hoa shared: "To train a professional and dedicated employee who knows how to maintain professional ethics is not simple. The story of retaining employees, especially key personnel, in an attractive and constantly changing market like the stock market requires us to think of ways to motivate and maintain employee engagement, not only purely based on compensation leverage. We care about other needs of employees, which are safety, physical and mental health, and the feeling of happiness when giving meaningful things... From understanding this need, BVSC designs programs and policies aimed at forming EVP (Employee Value Proposition) to create the Company's unique identity."

Although the epidemic causes many difficulties for business activities, BVSC still ensures salary-bonus-welfare regimes for employees and increases cohesion within the organization through online activities and connections. no gap and keep the same effect. With the advantage of being a member of Bao Viet Group, BVSC deploys life insurance programs as a channel of long-term financial protection and accumulation for all employees in addition to health insurance and insurance policies. other cancer risks. In particular, in 2021, BVSC deployed two Covid-19 vaccinations for 95% of employees, as part of the campaign "BVSC - Safe & Happy Working Environment".

Training courses to improve professional expertise are still held regularly through the online training portal eLearn as well as maintaining the annual Future Broker recruitment and training program, investing resources in the younger generation to supplement human resources participating in the stock market.

Previously, in early December 2021, BVSC was also honored with the Top 100 Sustainable Enterprises 2021 award by the Business Council for Sustainable Development (VBCSD) & Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI).